
Great food,
all the rail.

Restaurail specializes in railway catering, station snacking and hospitality services.


Who we are ?

Restaurail offers passengers an original service experience, both on board trains and in stations, based on the values of attentiveness and proximity.

Restaurail has a network covering all the Kingdom’s main railroad lines, enabling it to provide trains with refreshments throughout their journeys.


Restaurail in numbers.

More than 1M coffees served per year.
More than 230 000 sandwiches sold per year.
Over 50,000 passenger assistances
on board hotel trains.
More than 60 fixed and mobile sales outlets.
More than 200 collaborators in Morocco.

Restaurail in pictures.

Since 1997, Restaurail has been striving to meet the diverse needs of its customers, offering them a quality, affordable snacking experience at every stage of their travels.


Our valued partners.


Our news.


We look forward
to hearing from you.

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